

We offer Cloudera services where all your data are collected in one centralized, secure, fully-governed place that any department could access anytime


Rapid solutions to the most complex business challenges with cooperative process-driven.
Big Data Platforms

.Horton Works
.Doug Cutting

Big Data Integration

.Microsoft Hadoop Zone on APS/Azure HDInsight
.IBM Big Insight
.Teradata Aster Data
.EMC GreenPlum Data Computing
.Oracle Big Data Appliances

Business To Business

Modern intercompany exchange to securely and collaboratively integrate any data with partner networks.
.B2B Data Transformation Libraries (DT)
.B2B Data Exchange (DX)

Hadoop Framework Open Source

Map-Reduce YARN MapReduce [V2]

Big Data Connectors

Informatica Big Data Edition IBM Data Stage Parser

Data Transfer, FTP And Real-Time Streaming

WinSCP Storm SQOOP Flume NIFI Spark Streaming KAFKA Flink

Hadoop Clusters

Ambari Cloudera Manager

Data Mining

RapidMiner Weka

Big Data Access And Data Editor Engine

Hive PIG H-Catalog DB Query Job Designer TEZ Drill Impala

Big Data Programming And Query Languages

R Language Python Matlab SQL Scala C++ Java

Management – Cross Infrastructure Analytics

Zookeeper Chukwa OOZIE Job Designer

Data Acquisition & NoSQL DB Browsing

HBase Mongo DB Cassandra

Big Data Supported Cloud

.Microsoft Azure
.Google Big Query
.Amazon Web Service

Browser Based Desktop Interface


Big Data Predictive Analysis


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